Guest host Tim Burden returns with another fascinating FILM MUSIC MIX special. Tim continues to explore the music from foreign films this time featuring French composers Frederic Talgorn and Georges Delerue.
The Talgorn section of the show will feature music from such fine scores as ASTERIX AUX JEUX OLYMPIQUES (Editors Note — One of my favourite scores in the past few years), PRESIDENT, RED NEEDLES, THE TEMP, TROUBLE AT TIMPETILL, MOLIERE, TELLEMENT PROCHES and five selections from Talgorn’s contributions to the KPM and DE WOLFE PRODUCTIONS music libraries.
The Delerue section will feature music from just one score, JOE VS. THE VOLCANO.
Editors Note — I would like to dedicate this show to Tim’s father, John H. Burden, who passed away this week.
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