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This is a curious little score from MovieScore Media that’s an interesting mix of Desplat meets Williams meets Goldsmith. The opening cue contains these lovely flute flutters that instantly brings Desplat to mind. The second cue, “Finding Gwen,” heads into WAR OF THE WORLDS territory with choppy, aggressive string ostinatos and pounding timpani with brass bursts.

As you get deeper into the score it gets much more atmospheric but the orchestral colors are always there. Typically, when you think of atmospheric writing you might think of drones, long notes and not much interesting happening musically. Pope, however, always has something interesting going on weather driving a cue forward with a little electronic back beat or string pulses with harp that reminds me a bit of Goldsmith’s BASIC INSTINCT or those Desplat’s like flute flutters which are always welcome — such a pleasing orchestral colour.

There are a few action licks here and there — “Hiding the Knife” treads closely to MINORITY REPORT — but don’t be expecting massive blow your mind Williamseque action cues here.  IN MY SLEEP is not that type of score. It’s small and reflective. There are burst of horns and trumpets sprinkled throughout but Pope has written this intimate score mostly for piano, strings and woodwinds. I’m not sure the 63 minute plus running time will keep your attention throughout but I’d say that if you like any of Desplat’s smaller scores then this one might work for you.  It’s one of the better scores I’ve heard in 2010.

IN MY SLEEP | MovieScore Media MMS10007 | 2010 | PURCHASE THE ALBUM